Causes Of Examination Malpractice
Some of the major causes of examination malpractice are:
(a) Gaps in the knowledge of students or pupils.
(b) Evil or negative inclinations
(c) Digital laziness and
(d) Irresponsible and loose attitudes.
(a) Gaps in knowledge.
Every given knowledge, especially in academic circles, has a basic structure. And that basic structure, like a house, has a foundation, walls and roofing. Knowledge can also be seen as a great wall made up of blocks of different kinds of jig-saw puzzle. Each block must fit in within the appropriate space in the different rows of blocks that make up the wall. At the same time, each row of blocks must be properly installed. Otherwise the next row will not fall in place. In a situation like this, a given principle must be adopted if one wishes to succeed in installing the wall from the foundation to the top without making mistakes. This requires a precise knowledge of the relationship of each block with a series of blocks making up a given row. It also requires a good knowledge of the different sets of blocks that make up the different rows from the foundation to the top. The same thing applies to every given knowledge. For the development of gap in the structure of any given knowledge will immediately confuse the intuitive perception of the pupil or student. Knowledge is therefore only solid and thorough when one can survey the whole structure from the beginning, that is from the foundation to the end. And since every knowledge, be it English Language or any other language or mathematics is usually very vast, experts in the field of every given subject has divided it into small units and sections. These small units and sections are arranged from down upwards. That is to say, they are arranged from the rudiments or basics of the knowledge in question, gradually to its graduate level. One can therefore divide the sections into three major parts, namely primary, secondary and tertiary levels. At the primary level, every subject is divided into six major sections namely primaries one to six. At every level of the primary education, the subject is further split into sections beginning from 123, ABC or d.r.m.
A careful look at the structure of every subject will immediately explain the fact that any gap within the child’s knowledge at any given level will become an obstacle that will definitely work against a further understanding of the subject as he strives upwards in his learning process. And once such gaps develop, the child will become confused until that little portion is filled. Where it is not filled, however, his overhead view of what he has learnt so far will start going out of focus. And as more gaps develop within his knowledge of the subject, the picture will become more and more blurred and fuzzy as if covered by clouds of smoke. When the time comes for him to be tested in an examination, he is likely to rely on stealing from others in order to put down something on paper.
As it is at the primary level, so also it is at the secondary and tertiary levels. And generally speaking, serious gaps at the primary school level will always adversely affect the child's understanding of his subjects at the secondary school level. At the same time, serious gaps at the secondary school level must negatively affect a student at the university or tertiary level of education. Such serious gaps in the knowledge of a subject proper remain the most serious factors that lead people generally into all kinds of examination malpractices. This, therefore, calls for the great need for teachers and parents as well as pupils and students to avoid all forms of gap in their knowledge of their various subjects if we must run away from the negative and ignoble problems of examination malpractices.
(b) Evil or negative inclinations
When one is negatively inclined or when one becomes evil minded, he will always want to take dangerous short cuts in order to achieve his objectives. This ugly tendency is one of the basic causes of examination malpractices. A student who has lost the correct perception of the differences between right and wrong, good and evil or uprightness and perverseness will not see anything wrong in using any and every means at his disposal to acquire a certificate, even if it involves shedding of blood. Hence, stories have been told about students who conspired and stabbed their examiner to death because he prevented them from carrying out their unwholesome practices in the examination hall. When people lose their perceptions of the differences between good and evil, right or wrong, they become more interested in special examination centres where they will be free to do as they like than in studying their subjects well in order to pass through their examinations in a dignifying manner. When students become negatively inclined, they no longer see the actual acquisition of knowledge as the more important thing to passing the examination while yet passing for illiterates persons in the subjects of their choice. When the society, parents and teachers lose their ability to see the difference between right and wrong, they even help their children, pupils and students to perpetrate their negative inclinations in this direction. We must endeavour to run away from such ugly things if we wish to reap the benefits of genuinely acquired knowledge. For he who cheats in examination simply betrays the fact that he does not know the true meaning and value of genuine education which is to polish an individual into a competent and productive human being within his given environment.
(c) Digital Laziness
When one is lazy in every way, both mentally and physically, he could be described as being digitally lazy. That is to say, the person is lazy in a calibrated manner. No doubt, one who is as lazy as this finds it difficult to engage in those things that could bring him true benefits. Instead, such people prefer to waste their time on other pastimes such as gambling, which always constitute a waste of mental and physical resources. Such people do not make good students because, they will never take time to listen to their teacher, spend time in reading their books or even carry out useful functions in the home. When exams come, however, they want to pass by all means. Such people go to lengths to make sure they pass their tests or examinations through the back door. And when their parents aid them, they could do awful things in this direction.
In order to help ourselves, therefore, it is very important that we should avoid all forms of laziness when it comes to our studies. For lazy people will always find it difficult to make good academic students.
(d) Irresponsible and loose attitude
A loose and irresponsible person is one who does not know the proper time for any and everything. A loose and irresponsible student does not bother to attend lectures when he should. If he attends at all, he spends time chatting with his friends while teaching and learning are supposed to be going on. He does things that could distract his fellow students when the teacher is teaching. Often than not, he disrupts the teacher’s lecture with his irresponsible comments, or other forms of distractions. Such a student, when the chips are down, will resort to one form of examination malpractice or the other. For he will also like to pass his exams without adequate studies. Although he never bothered himself to study either at home or at school, he will like to make fine grades like those students who put in the best efforts at school and everything about their academic works.
We must not be like such students who behave so irresponsibly. As students, we should know that we have been sent to school to help us prepare for our own future as well as the future of the society in which we live. School hours should not be trifled away. If we do the right thing at the right time, we will never have the need to rely on any form of malpractice in order to pass our examinations.
What is examination malpractice? To begin with, before we can go ahead to answer the above question,
we need to identify the full meaning and significance of the word, examination. To put it in a simple,
straight forward manner, an examination
is a test of knowledge, be it in the classroom, in vocational Wcallings
or in any form of endeavour where the objective is to bring out the
best or the qualified person or persons
and separate such from the unqualified. Examinations are therefore often conducted in such areas as educational
institutions, within government circles, political systems, economic systems and also in various aspects of our social lives.
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